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Nutritious Meals to Low-Income Families
Nutritious Meals to Low-Income Families
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces Updated List of Programs Serving Nutritious Meals to Low-Income...
Superintendent Torlakson Visits Top Teachers in Los Angeles
Superintendent Torlakson Visits Top Teachers in Los Angeles
Tom Torlakson visited Los Angeles to recognize teachers Daniel Jocz, a 2016 California Teacher of the Year a...
California  Ranks 5th Nationally in Advanced Placement Exam Scores
California Ranks 5th Nationally in Advanced Placement Exam Scores
California was fifth in the nation in the percentage of 2015 graduates who earned a score of three or higher...
Los Angeles Teacher Finalist for National Teacher of the Year
Los Angeles Teacher Finalist for National Teacher of the Year
Daniel Jocz, a 2016 California Teacher of the Year from Los Angeles County, has been selected as one of four...

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