Nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges/universities
There are 14 400 schools in the database

School database Capital District

Found 435 schools in the database
Type of school: Districts, 429 Aviation Rd, Queensbury

Type of school: Districts, Po Box 129, Greenville

Type of school: Public, Po Box 129, Greenville

Type of school: Public, Po Box 125, Greenville

Type of school: Public, Po Box 125, Greenville

Type of school: Public, 2072 Curry Rd, Schenectady

Type of school: Public, 918 Stanley St, Schenectady

Type of school: Public, 1091 Webster St, Schenectady

Type of school: Public, 1065 Baker Ave, Schenectady

Type of school: Public, 1121 Forest Rd, Schenectady

Type of school: Public, 1445 The Plaza, Schenectady

Type of school: Districts, 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne

Type of school: Public, 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne

Type of school: Public, 1738 Helderberg Trail, Berne

Type of school: Districts, 108 Education Dr, Schenectady

Type of school: Public, 90 Elmer Ave, Schenectady

Type of school: Public, 408 Eleanor St, Schenectady

Type of school: Private, Po Box 1118, Troy

Type of school: Public, Po Box 1018, Tannersville

Type of school: Public, Po Box 317, Hunter

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Upcoming school events
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school