Nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges/universities
There are 14 400 schools in the database

School database Finger Lakes

Found 498 schools in the database
Type of school: Public, 282 Main St, Dansville

Type of school: Districts, 191 Clinton St, Avon

Type of school: Public, 161 Clinton St, Avon

Type of school: Districts, 30 Bonadonna Ave, Mount Morris

Type of school: Public, 30 Bonadonna Ave, Mount Morris

Type of school: Public, 30 Bonadonna Ave, Mount Morris

Type of school: Districts, 284 Main St, Dansville

Type of school: Public, 280 Main St, Dansville

Type of school: Districts, 4100 Baldwin Rd, Rushville

Type of school: Public, 284 Main St, Dansville

Type of school: Districts, Po Box 517, Nunda

Type of school: Districts, 40 Spring St, Livonia

Type of school: Public, Po Box E, Livonia

Type of school: Public, Po Box E, Livonia

Type of school: Public, Po Box 102, Retsof

Type of school: Public, Po Box 102, Retsof

Type of school: Districts, Po Box 98, East Bloomfield

Type of school: Public, Po Box 250, Bloomfield

Type of school: Public, Po Box 220, Bloomfield

Type of school: Public, 136 N Main St, Naples

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Upcoming school events
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school