Nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges/universities
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School database Western New York

Found 630 schools in the database
Type of school: Public, 105 Casey Rd, East Amherst

Type of school: Public, 2761 Cloverbank Rd, Hamburg

Type of school: Public, 6050 Fairway Ct, Lake View

Type of school: Public, 2751 Amsdell Rd, Hamburg

Type of school: Public, 6581 Hylan Blvd, Staten Island

Type of school: Public, 15 Fairfield St, Staten Island

Type of school: Private, 4129 Lake Shore Rd, Athol Springs

Type of school: Private, 200 Hunt Rd, Jamestown

Type of school: Districts, 176 Walck Rd, North Tonawanda

Type of school: Public, 380 Drake Dr, North Tonawanda

Type of school: Public, 250 Lincoln Ave, Lockport

Type of school: Public, 4061 Creek Rd, Youngstown

Type of school: Districts, 245 S Shore Blvd, Lackawanna

Type of school: Private, 5138 S Park Ave, Hamburg

Type of school: Private, Po Box 86, Lake View

Type of school: Public, 3780 Howard Rd, Hamburg

Type of school: Districts, 430 Main St, East Aurora

Type of school: Public, 141 Girard Ave, East Aurora

Type of school: Public, 430 Main St, East Aurora

Type of school: Public, 230 Easton Ave, Buffalo

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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school