Nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges/universities
There are 14 400 schools in the database

High school New York City

Found 162 schools in the database

List of

Type of school: Private, 4709 Ave N, Brooklyn

Type of school: Private, 831 Eagle Ave, Bronx

Type of school: Public, 921 E 228th St, Bronx

Type of school: Public, 4600 Broadway, New York

Type of school: Private, 105-01 Northern Blvd, Corona

Type of school: Public, 100-00 Beach Channel Dr, Rockaway Park

Type of school: Public, 610 Henry St, Brooklyn

Type of school: Public, 1010 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn

Type of school: Private, 38 W 123rd St, New York

Type of school: Public, 4143 3rd Ave, Bronx

Type of school: Public, 2975 Tibbetts Ave, Bronx

Type of school: Public, 244 E 163rd St, Bronx

Type of school: Public, 500 E Fordham Rd, Bronx

Type of school: Public, 1001 Intervale Ave, Bronx

Type of school: Public, 240 W 113th St-3rd Fl, New York

Type of school: Private, 126 W 17th St, New York

Type of school: Public, 911 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn

Type of school: Public, 1065 Elton St, Brooklyn

Type of school: Public, 1595 Bathgate Ave, Bronx

Type of school: Public, 3872 3rd Ave, Bronx

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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school